LaRoboterie ft. SNUFF CREW 02\02 ROMA

_______ SABATO 02 FEBBRAIO ______

LaRoboterie ft.

•••|||| SNUFF CREW ||||•••

The New Old House Sound Of Germany

Snuff Crew è un misterioso duo Tedesco nato nel 2008. Il loro sound è principalmente influenzato dalla Chicago House, Acid e Italo Disco. Dopo l'uscita del primo 12" sull'etichetta Nature di Marco Passarani la SNUFF CREW ha rilasciato un sacco di dischi e mp3 su etichette internazionali Deejay Gigolo Records, Casa Hour Is Your Rush, Playhouse e, naturalmente, Snuff Trax. Molti i remix per artisti come Remute, Ton duro, Robert Owens, Jack Codec, Stefano e Bene, The Glitz,KIDS ONTV, Franz + Shape ...

Nel 2010 nasce la loro etichetta SNUFF TRAX con la quale pubblicano molte tracce " fine Old School House Music " , il genere che loro prediligono 

Il loro è uno show live che ha già conquistato i dancefloor di mezzo mondo , per citarne alcuni : Womb / Tokyo, Berghain / Berlin, Tresor / Berlin, Metropolitana / Colonia, Gesù Club / San Pietroburgo, Solyanka / Mosca, Cassero / Bologna, CAMP / Londra, Sonar Festival / Barcellona, Danubio Rave / Linz, Fusion / Munster, Nature One Festival / Kastellaun. Gia '.


Snuff Crew is a mysterious two-person collective from Germany which was founded in 2008. Our sound is mainly influenced by Chicago House, Acid and Italo Disco. Since the first 12″ release on Marco Passarani´s label Nature Records, we have released lots of records and mp3s on labels like International Deejay Gigolo Records, Hour House Is Your Rush, Playhouse and of course Snuff Trax. We also did remixes for artists like Remute, Hard Ton, Robert Owens, Jack Codec, Stefano e Bene, The Glitz, Kids On TV, Franz + Shape…

In 2010 we started our own label Snuff Trax, which will release lots of fine Old School House Music in the future because we love that sound so very very much.

We do not only produce our own tracks but also perform as a Live Act at the finest clubs anywhere. Some namedropping: Womb / Tokyo, Berghain/Berlin, Tresor/Berlin, Subway/Cologne, Jesus Club / St. Petersburg, Soljanka / Moscow, Cassero / Bologna, CAMP/London, Sonar Festival/Barcelona, Danube Rave/Linz, Fusion/Münster, Nature One Festival/Kastellaun. Yeah.

Nobody knows who we actually are and nobody has ever seen our faces. Will we ever reveal our identities…?

• Tommaso Lande

• St.robot

3d mappingShow
• Dosojin


Teatro Lo Spazio ,via Locri 42 roma
entry euro 7 [ + tessera del teatro * ]
